About Us

What is Epic: Kayak Ultimate, NPO?

Epic: Kayak Ultimate, NPO, or just "EKU" is a Alaskan non-profit organization and registered 501(c)(3) dedicated to helping expand and promote the exciting sport of Kayak Ultimate. We at EKU strive to help make the sport more accessible to our growing community and provide opportunities to everyone to join in the fun. By pursuing a practice of inclusion and outreach, we've counted hundred of players among our community, from soldiers and airmen on Fort Wainwright and Eielson Air Force Base, to university students, disc sports enthusiasts, and watercraft paddlers of all ages.

We are always looking for new ways to keep our beloved sport inexpensive and accessible to our community, and hope that one day Kayak Ultimate will become a staple athletic past-time, both within our community and beyond!


Business Location and Contact

1368 Spades Ct

North Pole, AK 99705

Contact: Anthony Mustered



Board of Directors

Anthony Mustered; President, Treasurer

Jarrod Zerbe; Vice President

Garrett Savory

Erik Chriastensen

Byron Thorne

Rowan Mustered

Elizabeth Paxson, Secretary

Brayden Mustered


EKU Charter